Wednesday, July 22, 2009

He's Going for Three....

Andrew's summer baseball season ended last night. He claims his team went undefeated...even though technically they don't keep score. With a storm approaching, Andrew got up to bat and launched one over the left fielder's head. Unfortunately, Andrew broke one of baseball's unwritten rules.....
Here is the video of the hit. Dan is coaching 3rd base.

Andrew catching in last night's ball game.

Andrew thinks about his "almost" triple.

Dan & Andrew talking base running strategy from last week's game.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

3rd Place at 15U AA MBT State Tournament

Aaron's traveling baseball team captured third place this weekend at the state MBT tournament in Eagan. 19 of the 21 teams in the tournament were from the metro area. The Tigers lost to Shoreview in extra innings in the semi-final round but came back to beat Woodbury for third place honors.
Aaron catching a ball from the pitcher.

Aaron and Drew...they look like they like each other!

Aaron accepting his 3rd place plaque.

Team photo.

Aaron & a teammate having a little fun!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Aaron's 15U Baseball League Ends Season

Aaron's summer baseball team ended league play today by competing in the league tournament in Pine Island. Stewartville won the first game 6-3 but lost to a very good team from Cannon Falls to bump them out of the tournament. Below are a few pictures from today's tournament.

Aaron batting in the first game.

Dan and Aaron at third base.

Team Picture
Who is laying on the ground?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Having Fun At Big Pine Lake

The weather was beautiful over the 4th of July weekend. Fishing, swimming, and bags kept everyone busy while at the lake. We even found time to eat at Kari's favorite restaurant, Pizza Ranch.