Saturday, December 18, 2010

Basketball is off to a Great Start!

Aaron's varsity basketball career has gotten off to a fast and furious start. All of his games have been extremely close. Aaron has done a nice job coming off the bench. The Tiger's overall record is 3-1.
Aaron fights through a screen set by a player from Cannon Falls.

Aaron went 1 for 3 from the line vs Cannon Falls.
He ended up with 3 points for the game.

Aaron is sandwiched in the middle to block a shot.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Here Comes Santa Claus

Santa was able to get away from the North Pole for a few weeks to visit with the kids in SE Minnesota. This is the 9th straight year this particular Santa has made it to Rochester. Andrew told Santa he is hoping to get "Apples to Apples" and Packer stuff!
Andrew with Santa (2010).

Andrew with Santa (2002).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Theres No Place Like Home

Over 1800 people, including Don and Karen, watched monkeys, winkies, and munchkins perform the Wizard of Oz. There were four performances from Thursday to Sunday. Many, many hours of practice were put into this 2 1/2 hour musical production. The four main characters were absolutely awesome. Aaron's confirmation sponsor, Alex, wowed the crowd as the scarecrow. The boys did a nice job in the play too. Andrew was a city father munchkin and a monkey. Aaron was a crow and a winkie guard.
Andrew and Aaron pose before their last performance on Sunday.

The cast got together to pose for a group picture. This photo will be hung in the commons area outside of the PAC.

Andrew poses with a few other monkeys.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Honors Choir, Pep Band & No Braces

This past Monday, Aaron sang at our conference Honors Choir Concert held in Kenyon. Eight members of SHS high school choir were selected to sing at the concert. Aaron auditioned for a solo and was selected to sing a part in "Shout Glory".
The Stewartville volleyball team earned a trip to play at the state tournament. Aaron and the pep band went up each day to support the Tigers.

Drew just got his braces off. He has a retainer he wears each night.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Funfest

Not only was it Confirmation Sunday but it was also Halloween! Dan and the boys carved pumpkins this past Friday....a family tradition going way back. Karen hung out one more night and went trick or treating with Aaron. Richard Nixon also showed up for Halloween fun!
Dan, Aaron and Andrew carving pumpkins (October, 2010)

Dan, Aaron and Andrew carving pumpkins (October, 2000)

Andrew, Karen and Richard getting ready to head out for candy!

Andrew & Richard Nixon!

Brett Favre stopped over after today's game. He met John McEnroe at our house.

Confirmation Sunday

It was Confirmation Sunday for Aaron. Aaron's friend Alex was his sponsor.
Aaron, Bishop Quinn and Alex.

Aaron and his Godmothers, Robbie and Karen.

The Kauttos joined the fun in Stewartville.

Aaron with his Aunties Jacki and Jen.

Aaron with his most favorite people in the whole wide world.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Homecoming Dance 2010

2010 Homecoming festivities culminated with a semi-formal dance on Saturday night. Aaron and Liz looked awesome in their matching black and pink attire.
Liz and Aaron at Liz's front porch.

Aaron and Drew striking a pose at our house.

The boys having fun on the cannon at Florence Park.

The large group posing for a photo at Florence Park.

Aaron, Tyler and Robbie.

Reese, Aaron and Liz.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away

We recently received over 6 inches of rain in about 24 hours. Fortunately, 10 years ago, we installed a drainage system in most of our basement. Unfortunately, where the drainage system was not installed, water has leaked through. About 1/4 of our carpet in our basement is wet. All afternoon and evening school activities were starts 2 hours late on Friday too.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

One, two, three, four...

On Saturday, Aaron's high school marching band performed in the Waseca Parade. The temperature was in the low 60's... much better than the low 90's when they marched at the state fair. I am a newbie when it comes to marching band... but my untrained eye thought the band looked great. They placed 4th overall in the competition. Below are a few pictures from the parade.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Down But Not Out

Dad was in good spirits this morning when Dan and I visited him at the hospital. After a 45 minute visit Dad was getting tired and ready for a nap. He is expected to check out of Fairview on Monday and head to Tri-County Hospital for a few days.
No need to stand up and go to the bathroom!

Dad needs to breath into a device (I have no idea what it is called) about 10 times an hour to help keep maintain his lung capacity.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Great Minnesota Get Together

It's that time of year again to walk arm and arm, shoulder to shoulder with thousands of people in 90+ degrees, eating high calorie, artery clogging food on a stick...yes... it's state fair time. Besides the food, some of our traditional fair stops include: the MN Twins' whiffle ball stadium, the FSN tent, the skyline ride, the picture booth & the swine barn (MN's largest boar).
Andrew playing whiffle ball at the Twins' whiffle ball stadium.

Andrew receiving special instructions from Tony Oliva.

This is one big pig!

We listened to Paulette Roorda sing with her Christian band at the Chapel.

Face painting at the U of M booth.

Joe Mauer flew in from his game in Seattle to say hi to me.


Andrew watched as Dan and Aaron did a short sports segment at the FSN booth. Dan thinks FSN is going to call and offer him a job :-)

Skyline view... this is the first thing Andrew and I do each year at the fair.

Someone was a little tuckered out after his fair outing.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Three and half years in the making

After two community ed classes, a day sewing with Lori (each happening in different years) and countess hours in between, I finally finished Aaron's t-Shirt quilt. It was a lot of fun reminiscing about each t-shirt. It is my hope to whip up another quilt for Aaron for graduation. If that quilt takes me as long as this quilt, I'm already behind schedule. Of course, Drew wants to know when I will start his quilt.....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wadena's Sunnybrook 5K Stomp

On Saturday, I ran in Wadena's 5K Sunnybrook Stomp. I truely can say I ran in this race.... I never walked once! I finished the race in either 29:43 or 30:43. A real runner would have worn a a watch that would say how fast she ran and would have checked her time before she left. But I'm just a wanna-be-runner who just finished her third race ever.

Dan came with to cheer me on and to snap a few photos.

150 meters left......

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Where's the Santa Maria?

Today, the Simmons clan headed to Winona to view replica ships of the Nina & Pinta. (The caravels Columbus used on his journey to the New World.) We had a lot of fun walking through these ships! History lessons in the summer! YEA!!