Aaron and Liz went to prom this past Saturday night. We started taking pictures around noon.... grand march was at 4:00 PM. After the grand march, the kids were loaded onto coach buses to Stillwater. There they boarded a river boat for the rest of their prom activities. They returned to Stewartville around 2 AM. Around a dozen of Aaron's buddies and dates spent the night at one of their homes where they ate breakfast, played basketball & ping pong to the early morning hours. Once again, Dan chaperoned prom. He said the kids were great and had an awesome time!
Some of the kids went to the nursing home to do a "mini grand march" for the residents of the nursing home.
Aaron is introducing Liz and himself to the residents.
Andrew & Aaron before the grand march.
It has been a tradition to get the baseball boys together for a picture... here they gather around Dan:-)
They also posed for a picture too.
Aaron and Liz at her house.
Aaron and Liz during the grand march.
Large group picture at a friends house.
Aaron and Liz. Dah...
Aaron and his buddies striking a pose.