Monday, July 26, 2010

Baseball, Baseball, & More Baseball

What did the Simmons' family do in June & July?
Aaron coached a 12U team & he also played VFW baseball. His VFW team finished 22-5 & finished 2nd in the district playoffs. Dan coached Aaron's VFW team. Andrew played SYAA baseball (Dan coached that team) and he also played on a travel baseball team (Teri helped coach that team). The baseball season came to an end for both boys this weekend. It was a fun spring and summer of baseball!

Aaron batting during a district playoff game in Red Wing. 4 of the 5 losses Aaron's team had was against Red Wing :-(

Here Andrew is pitching in the 10U Lake City tournament.
Andrew (or Andy as his friends call him) struck out 11 in his 5 innings pitched.

"Can I pitch?" The most frequent question asked during the tournament in Lake City.
Aaron & Dan during a VFW game in Northfield.

Aaron sometimes helped out during Andrew's SYAA games.

Andrew blasts the ball over the left fielder's head during a SYAA game.

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